abstract art
abstract motives on paper
assamblage, collage
embroidery, needlework
figurative art
latin and writing art
paintings (sketches)
sketchbook 1
sketchbook 2
sketchbook 3
sketchbook 4
sketchbook 5
sketchbook 6
sketchbook 7
mixed sketches
pen drawings
digital drawings
video art
actionism - body art
Apples, 2014, mixed media, 40x50
Blue Heart, 2022, mixed media, 40x40
C as Childhood Fleshback, 2013, mixed media, 80x38
Efemer Everyday Bread, 2021, disintegrated
Efemer Mignon, 2016, disintegrated
Flutist in the Crowd, 2014, mixed media, 90x55
Shrouded Worship with White Lizards, 2016, assambl...
Shrouded Worship with White Lizards, 2016, assambl...
Tissues -Issues, 2021, mixed media
Toata lumea rade de voi, romani 2021 paper
Vase with Cherry Seeds, 2015, mixed media, 78x17
Wall Detail, 2014, mixed media, assamblage, 52x95
Wall Detail
When The Demons are Nocking on Your Door, 2014, mi...
Wild Boar Mask, 2014, 90x50
Wild Boar Mask
Wild Boar Path 2014, assamblage, 87x32
Windows Continue 2021 oil and paper on canvas 38x5...
Xray, 2013, mixed media on wood, 56x51
Eleven cats, 2021,collage on paper, 50x110 másolat...
Crowd, 2014, collage on paper, 25x45
Tönk a, 2014, mixed media, 90x60
Tönk from a different angle
Ironing Board of an Artist 130x30 mixed media 2024
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